
This module provides an interface to the R API. It allows you to write D functions that can be called from R and also provides support for embedding an R interpreter inside a D program. That means you have access to all R libraries from within a D program. Data is passed between the two languages using pointers. This modules defines structs that handle protecting/unprotecting data from the R garbage collector.

This file contains everything you need to create a shared library on Linux or Mac that can be called from R. On Windows, you will also need the R.lib file provided inside the repo.



alias Robj = sexprec*

All data in R is stored in an opaque struct called sexprec. Data is passed around as pointers to sexprec structs called SEXP. That's an unfortunate name (it stands for s-expression because R started out as a Scheme dialect) so I use Robj instead.


void assertR(bool test, string msg)

For use inside D functions called from R.

string createRLibrary(string name)

This function adds the boilerplate needed inside a shared library that will be called from R.

double dbeta(double x, double shape1, double shape2, int give_log)

Unless otherwise noted from here down, if the argument * name is the same as it is in R, the argument is the same. * Some R arguments are not available in C

double dexp(double x, double scale, int give_log)

scale = 1/rate

double dgamma(double x, double shape, double scale, int give_log)

These do not allow for passing argument rate as in R Confirmed that otherwise you call them the same as in R

double dnbeta(double x, double shape1, double shape2, double ncp, int give_log)

Use these if you want to set ncp as in R

double dnorm4(double x, double mu, double sigma, int give_log)

Same arguments as the R functions

double dunif(double x, double a, double b, int give_log)

Same arguments as the R functions

RMatrix dup(RMatrix rm)

Create a copy of a matrix.

Robj evalR(string cmd)

For embedding an R interpreter inside D.

void evalRQ(string cmd)

For embedding an R interpreter inside D.

void evalRQ(string[] cmds)

For embedding an R interpreter inside D.

double expm1(double)

Calculate exp(x)-1 for small x

double fprec(double x, double digits)

R's signif() function

double fromLast(RVector rv, int ii)

Returns element ii from the bottom.

double fround(double x, double digits)

R's round() function

double fsign(double x, double y)

|x|*sign(y) Gives x the same sign as y

double ftrunc(double x)

Truncate towards zero

Robj getAttrib(Robj x, string attr)
Robj getAttrib(ProtectedRObject x, string attr)
Robj getAttrib(Robj x, RString attr)
Robj getAttrib(ProtectedRObject x, RString attr)

Not normally called unless you're working on the embedr library itself.

bool isInteger(Robj x)

Returns true if x holds a vector of integers.

bool isMatrix(Robj x)

Returns true if x holds a matrix.

bool isNumeric(Robj x)

Returns true if x holds a vector of integers or doubles.

bool isVector(Robj x)

Returns true if x is a vector object.

double last(RVector rv)

Returns the last element of an RVector.

int length(Robj x)

All R objects have a length attribute. You can call this function on any R object and it will return a value. The most common usage is to get the length of a vector, but it can be called on anything.

double log1p(double)

Calculate log(1+x) for small x

string[] names(Robj x)

If x has a names attribute attached to it, this function will copy the names into a string[].

void print(RMatrix m, string msg = "")

Print a matrix, with an optional message.

void printR(Robj x)
void printR(ProtectedRObject x)
void printR(string s)

Tells the R interpreter to print something out. This is generally useful only if you want to use the formatting provided by R. Most of the time, want to do your printing from D.

Robj robj(double x)

Creates a new R object with room for one double value and copies x into it.

Robj robj(double[] v)

Creates a new R object with room to hold v.length double values and copies v into it.

Robj robj(int x)

Creates a new R object with room for one int value and copies x into it.

Robj robj(string s)

Creates a new R object with room for one string and copies s into it.

Robj robj(string[] sv)

Creates a new R object with room to hold sv.length strings and copies sv into it.

double scalar(Robj rx)
double scalar(Robj rx)

Pull the value out of an R object holding one double value.

int scalar(Robj rx)

Pull the value out of an R object holding one int value.

long scalar(Robj rx)

Pull the value out of an R object holding one int value.

ulong scalar(Robj rx)

Pull the value out of an R object holding one int value.

string scalar(Robj rx)

Pull the value out of an R object holding one string.

double scalar(string name)
double scalar(string name)

Convenience function to pull a double value out of R. Only used when embedding an R interpreter inside a D program.

int scalar(string name)

Convenience function to pull an int value out of R. Only used when embedding an R interpreter inside a D program.

long scalar(string name)

Convenience function to pull an int value out of R. Only used when embedding an R interpreter inside a D program.

ulong scalar(string name)

Convenience function to pull an int value out of R. Only used when embedding an R interpreter inside a D program.

string scalar(string name)

Convenience function to pull a string out of R. Only used when embedding an R interpreter inside a D program.

void setAttrib(Robj x, string attr, ProtectedRObject val)
void setAttrib(Robj x, RString attr, ProtectedRObject val)
void setAttrib(Robj x, string attr, Robj val)
void setAttrib(Robj x, RString attr, Robj val)

Not normally called unless you're working on the embedr library itself.

double sign(double x)

Returns 1 for positive, 0 for zero, -1 for negative

void source(string s)

Tells R to source the file s.

string[] stringArray(Robj sv)

Copies a string array from a character vector in R into a D string array.

string[] stringArray(string name)

Convenience function to pull the character vector name from R into D.

void toR(T x, string name)
void toR(Robj x, string name)
void toR(string[] s, string name)

When embedding an R interpreter inside D, this function passes data from D to R, copying as necessary.

string toString(Robj cstr)

Copies a string allocated in R into a D string.

string toString(Robj sv, int ii)

Copies a string allocated in R from a character vector into a D string.

ulong[3] tsp(Robj rv)

Returns the time series properties of an R object. If rv is not a ts object, will throw an error.


struct ProtectedRObject

Enables reference counting of objects allocated by R. It takes care of protecting and unprotecting objects from the R garbage collector.

struct RIntVector

Same as RVector, but holds a vector of integers instead of a vector of doubles.

struct RList

The most common way to pass multiple pieces of data in R is by putting them into a list. If you pass a list from R to D, you need some way to work with that data. If you want to return multiple items from D to R, the only way to do that is with a list.

struct RMatrix

This struct is used to work with a matrix that has been allocated in R. A pointer to the data is held, along with the dimensions. An RMatrix struct is reference counted to take care of protecting it from the R garbage collector while in use, and unprotecting when it is no longer used, as necessary.

struct RObjectStorage

Enables reference counting of objects allocated by R. It takes care of protecting and unprotecting objects from the R garbage collector.

struct RString

Support for passing strings from D to R and vice versa.

struct RVector

This struct is used to work with a vector that has been allocated in R. A pointer to the data is held, along with the dimensions. An RVector struct is reference counted to take care of protecting it from the R garbage collector while in use, and unprotecting when it is no longer used, as necessary.

struct sexprec

All data in R is stored in an opaque struct called sexprec. Data is passed around as pointers to sexprec structs called SEXP. That's an unfortunate name (it stands for s-expression because R started out as a Scheme dialect) so I use Robj instead.


double M_E;

Constants pulled from the R API, for compatibility



Lance Bachmeier